
隊伍名稱 HPC888
作品名稱 基於ELK stack的校園Wi-Fi Log分析系統
指導教授 楊朝棟
團隊成員 陳彩進、郭展甫、曹書恒、孫岳
作品介紹 Log data becomes one of the important resource information to know what happened in our system. To consider the world demand of abnormal data analyzing or data deviating for further data analysis, we mainly apply log analysis platform with virtualization technology to provide a construction services of Wi-Fi log management system. Therefore, we used ELK stack (ElasticSearch, Logstash, and Kibana) technology to collect a fully working real time Wi-Fi data analytics. This system is started with Logstash step. Logstash is a tool for receiving, processing and outputting logs, like system logs, webserver logs, error logs, application logs, authentication logs and so on. So, Logstash will read the Wi-Fi log and if it needs to filter data, it will do in this step. The Wi-Fi log will be kept in ElasticSearch environment as document per day and per group data. Kibana is responsible for reporting on Wi-Fi log. In this platform, we can display the information with many different types of views based on user requirements. The main concept of this platform is we can display top tendency of Wi-Fi log with some parameters.